Category Archives for "anti bully"

Are Your Kids Being Bullied? | Kid’s Anti-bully Program |

Kids Anti-bully Program Kids Jiu Jitsu Competitors Your kids are your priority and their problems are you problems, so why not help solve your kid’s problems by enrolling them in Martial Arts? Let me tell you why Martial Arts are the best anti-bully preventative out there. Martial Arts teach your kids to have confidence in […]

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Kid’s Anti-bully Program in Montebello

Kids Anti-bully Program Take the time to not purchase, but invest in Martial Arts as they will enrich your kid’s life and make their life even better than ever before. One good tip to get rid of a bully is by making them laugh. The bully will be thrown off guard when you make them […]

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How To Stand Up To Bullies | Boxing In Montebello |

Fight Off Bullies With Boxing Standing up to bullies might seem frightening, but with Boxing, standing up to bullies will not be as frightening at all. When threatened by a bully, stand up to the bully, look him in the face, and show him that you’re not scared. There is a possibility that this technique […]

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Kids and TV: Break the habit 30 days Free Kids Martial Arts Training

Children Watch Too Much TV Obesity is a huge problem in today’s youth, with many children in school being overweight in grades as low as kindergarden. Obesity can affect a child’s self-confidence and cause them to endure a lot of unnecessary mistreatment from their peers. As well doing harmful damage to their health, prevention of […]

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1 How To Stop a Bully

12 WAYS TO WALK AWAY WITH CONFIDENCE MAKE FRIENDS.  Bullies become bullies because they were once bullied themselves.  Believe it or not, the traits that make one a bully are the exact same ones that allows someone to be bullied.  There isn’t a bully alive who doesn’t need admiration and respect.  Think of a way […]

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