Make Sure Your Child Isn't Just Sitting Around This Summer WastingTime...

They Could Be Having Fun Learning Confidence...Self-Esteem..Athleticism...They'll Responsibly handle ANY Bully... They'll get Better Grades... They'll learn how to defend themselves...this is NOT "Another Summer Activity Camp"!!!

Free "Summer Camp Smart Buyer's Guide!"

Put your information into the box below in order to receive Priority Status and get Your FREE REPORT "THE 5 THINGS EVERY PARENT MUST KNOW ABOUT SUMMER CAMP!"

Dear fellow parent,

We all knew those kids we grew up with who got good grades… played all the sports… knew how to use a musical instrument… and were just so popular?

… Those kids who made it just look so easy—like it was on auto pilot and they had no care in the world?

What was different about them?

They were Given THE SKILLS

Don’t worry, you won’t have to hope and pray and wonder what to do—because you’re about to discover how you can give it to them –quickly and easily!

When your child gets THE SKILLS, they will automatically do the things that used to be hard for them like :

    • The Confidence and Positive Attitude to take chances, succeed in school, play sports and make new friends-to just be more outgoing…
    • The Self-esteem and Confidence to make the Right Decisions when they know that their friends and peers may be telling them to do the wrong thing…
    • The Ambition, Drive and Motivation to want to work hard for their goals and achieve anything they want..they will be successful in school and each day will be productive….

… Believe me—I KNOW what a difference “THE SKILLS” can make!


Who Am I, and How Can I Help Your Child?

Jason-and-KidsMy name is Jason Selva. I own and operate the Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Marital Arts Schools in the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley. For the past 12 years I have been working with kids of all different ages and backgrounds. Growing up in East Los Angeles, I know what a positive impact and strong and motivating Martial Arts program can have on your child. Too many of my friends spent their summer and school years with TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS. The result we saddening to say the least….Many of my friends dropped out of high school, got pregnant and even joined gangs. Well I’m here to tell you THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR CHILD!!!

What is a Parent To Do?….

Let Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Help!!!!

We have a LONG track record of helping parents, just like you, make sure that your Children Discover Their True Potential:

    • Handicapped children, and kids with other disabilities realized that there are no barriers and can achieve any dream they want…
    • ADD, ADHD, and overactive children learned how to put their energy and attention into positive activities and have become more disciplined…
    • Overweight children of all ages have lost a few pounds … and gained tremendous amounts of athleticism and the confidence that goes with those achievements…
    • Smart children, who tend to get bored in school, learned that they can focus Even Higher Goals…
    • Shy children, who use to afraid and nervous, learned to be outgoing, smile, have fun and enjoy life…

Our unique martial arts program at Selva Jiu Jitsu did all this and more … but now …THIS SUMMER we can offer your child something EVEN BETTER!

This Summer, Give Your Child “THE SKILLS” …

Give Them The Awesome Power of:
Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp!!!

This summer, after school is over, instead of worrying what your kids are doing all summer while you are at work – enrich their lives with Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp!!!

Your child doesn’t need any previous martial arts experience, only a strong desire to have fun!

And fun is what we’re going to have, here’s just a sample of what your child will experience at Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp!!!

    • Weekly Pool Fun! Your child will be having a blast, not miserably sweating away their vacation, during the hottest days this summer…
    • Weekly Field Trips! EVERYONE love fields trips — whether its playing laser tags, fun obstacle courses or trips to theme parks — your child will be having fun ALL day long!
    • Tons More Fun Every Day! As if that wasn’t enough, Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp also includes , bowling, museum visits, arts & crafts..…and of course…BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU

Yest that’s right…in addition to all of the FUN listed above…Your Child Will RECEIVE a LEVEL 1 BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU CERTIFICATION!!!

And that’s just the begining!!!

Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp is NOT like any other summer camp, there really is nothing like this around!

Here’s just a sample of what your child will experience at Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp

    • You’ll watch your child develop and enhance their self confidence and goal setting
    • You’ll watch your child feel like a REAL Martial Artist when they get their free “Gi” (martial arts training uniform) and start their LEVEL 1 BRAZILAN JIU JITSU CERTIFICATION
    • YOU won’t believe your eyes as your child starts to show more discipline, and self-control at home, with their brothers, sisters, cousins and all family members.
    • You’ll watch your child will learn team work by participating in group activities and “Special Missions” with their new friends.
    • You’ll watch your child develop their physical strength, agility, balance and control which will carry over into any thing that they do (if your child is involved in any other sports, brazilian jiu jitsu is the best way to “cross-train” to increase their athleticism… they will have UNFAIR ADVANTAGE OVER ALL OF THE OTHER KIDS)
    • You’ll watch your child learn discipline and self respect, not only at home with you but also with everyone they meet in public. Everybody will be impressed with your child’s manners.
    • Your child’s memory will improve as they are challenged with fun activities that force them to develop their Critical Thinking abilities.
    • Watch your child’s grades soar through the roof… and… stay there! Our specific martial arts training gives teaches your child the discipline and habits needed to study, complete homework and organize their time more WISELY—Success becomes a habit and not a chore!!!
    • Your child learn to be responsible, and take accountability for their actions, never blaming others.

Watch as your child becomes a natural leader!

Leadership skills are a big part of our curriculum for two reasons:

    • Leaders naturally succeed and advance faster in life than their peers, so it’s a very important life skills… and
    • When your child develops leadership skills they will tend to naturally be the leader within her circle of friends which means THEY WILL NEVER give in to Peer Pressure and make the wrong decisions. They will be the decision makers so they will not give in to peer pressure or other negative influences!


Confident Kids Stand Tall

How Does Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp
Compare to the Other Options For Your Child This Summer?

Selva Martial Arts

  • At Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp we’re all about FUN! Your kids are going to absolutely LOVE our camp and be EXCITED to go everyday!!!It’s no wonder our kids program has been voted #1 in Southern California…your child will have tons of fun!
  • At Selva BJJ, we teach your child Real Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and they will competently be able to defend themselves (or a loved one) if they have to.All our instructors are certified by the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (many are multiple black belts in many different styles of martial arts!) you can enroll your child into our program with confidence that they are getting quality instruction.
  • Our full time instructional staff is committed to making sure your child has a the most fun and educating summer ever!!! All our instructors have certified special training for dealing with younger children.There is no camp more qualified to give your child the best summer vacation of their life!
  • Selva's Martial Arts Summer Camp. will strengthen your child’s fitness ‘weak links’ whatever they may be!Is your child a little overweight or weak? He/She will tone up and strengthen their body with our unique exercises …. Uncoordinated or slow and clumsy? Don’t Worry Our specialized blend of martial arts and exercises will put your child on a brand new level of fitness they are 100% guaranteed to will LOVE!!!

Other Gyms

  • Nothing is worse for a child than being BORED.And that’s exactly what happens, summer after summer..without a positive activity they will just stay home and play video games, watch tv or wander around their neighborhood!And everybody knows that Boredom often leads to making bad decisions!
  • Your child WON’T learn self defense and will be bored , sitting at home during summer vacation. With no exercise or nothing to do they may possible gain weight. Childhood Obesity is a major epidemic in the United States. No self defense training on any sports teams, most summer camps are glorified day cares and do not deliver any value for the amount of time and money you invest in the programs.
  • If your child sits at home there is no Staff to watch them…putting them into a Rec Center might sound nice but most Rec Centers are a mix of Full Time and Part Time Employees and Volunteers who may or may not be qualified to make sure your child has a fun AND safe time this summerBottom line is that you simple cant beat the qualified, experienced staff of Selva BJJ’s Martial Arts Summer Camp.
  • Staying at home means playing video games and watching TV. Studies show that kids who watch too much television suffer to think critically later in life…it also provides no fitness benefits … sadly summer is when kids Gain The Most Weight!!! Rec Centers can be a good form of exercise but without supervision, your child can get hurt!

Training your child how to become MORE independent naturally leads to developing Leadership skills and is one of the most important things we teach at Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Martial Arts Summer Camp.

But that’s not all…

      • Watch as your child learns how to handle stress easily and positively (with today’s hectic, fast paced world this is definitely a life skill that will help teach child to meet and surpass their goals!)
      • We teach your child to to say “NO!” to peer pressure. (We’re members in the nationally recognized H.E.R.O. program, we help promote anti-drug programs, and also run our own conflict resolution and anger management programs)
      • Your child will learn effective, realistic self-defense skills that could save their lives (or the life of a loved one) in the future! (We teach your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which hands down has been proven to the be most effective martial art in the WORLD!!! Furthermore we instill discipline, responsibility and self-control to make sure your child will when to use their new skills.
      • Your child’s unique potential will be discovered, explored and developed to its maximum potential through personal attention with each of our certified instructors
      • Watch your child will become “bully proof” as we teach them to “think” their way out of bad situations and stand up for themselves with confidence. Bullies prey on kids with no confidence. Your child will only use Self Defense as a last resort.
      • We’ll teach your child the most effective goal setting, and success principles that make succeeding in any area of life on “auto pilot” (all high achievers learn and utilize goal setting principles to succeed, we’ll teach your child these must have life skills so that they can use it to use it for life!)
      • You’ll love how your child starts having a positive attitude in everything that they do. Our students know the importance of having a positive attitude makes it easy to overcome obstacles… they use their failures as learning experiences to grow and learn
      • Your child will be EXCITED to go to SUMMER CAMP there’s always something new and fun for them to do and it’s NEVER boring!
      • Plus Much, MUCH MORE!

Here's What You Do...

Simply pick up the phone and call my office right now at:


We will set you and your child with a great plan for this summer.

Listen To Your ‘Gut’ …

On this short website, I’ve shown you can absolutely give your child “SKILLS”…the SKILLS to succeed in life..

    • I’ve shown you how all of us here at Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu have helped thousands of children of every age, ability and background achieve success in various areas of their life…
    • I’ve revealed how the Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts Summer Camp will help your child succeed both now… and develop life skill success habits that will pay off in the future…
    • I’ve stacked up Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts Summer Camp against all the other options available to your child and shown you why we’re the best choice …

Plus, I’ve put ALL the risk in trying Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts Summer Camp out squarely on MY shoulders … by giving you the chance to call and have any of your questions answered completely risk-free!

Now it’s up to you.

If you care at all about giving your child the summer vacation experience of their young life, I urge you to call the number below and find out how we can get started TODAY.

(626) 282-2012

Warm regards,

Jason Selva
Master Instructor

P.S. Special VIP discounts apply if you act RIGHT NOW!!

Learn more by calling (626) 282-2012

P.P.S. WARNING: Summer Camps fill out fast Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts Summer Camp we’ve already sold out spots WAY in advance!

If you’re at all interested I’m urging you to call right away and reserve your child’s spot NOW. We’re sure to sell out again this year.

So please don’t delay, Call (626) 282-2012

today, right now in fact – while it’s still on your mind!